Monday 21 February 2011

"but February made me shiver"

February has always been the worst month of the year for me but not for the same reasons as Don MacLean! In my mind, it is always grey, cold and damp and this year has been no exception. I am sitting here looking out of the window at 10.00 am on a Monday morning at greyness, which is reflecting my current mood – and watching the postman’s van disappearing up the road without even delivering anything to me.

Whether it is the weather or the impending birthday in March, signifying yet another year has passed, I don’t know (have just noticed another wrinkle which I’m sure wasn’t there yesterday!).

It could be that I haven’t been able to get out with the camera for a while. I did snap some lovely crocuses in the garden and even resorted to photographing a shell which had been decorating a plant pot but I crave the open spaces and tranquillity of the Broads where there is always something new to attract my attention.

I do know that I shall probably feel better when February has gone and although I try and ignore the month every year, it somehow always catches up with me.


  1. I agree, and so does everyone I talk to. Apart from Valentine's Day (hah!), my diary tells that the only highspots are Independence Day in Lithuania and Independence Day in Estonia. Still, only a week to St David's Day, hurrah!

  2. At least it's a short one!
    But I agree also, hardly seen the sun since return from down under, just a couple of nice sunny Saturdays which was a bit of a bonus. This week has been shrouded in mist.
